C.A.R.E. Collective*

cooperative art, resources, and education
about | contact | schedule | photos | resources | donate | volunteer

about tiara:

"hiya, I'm tiara and a lover of many things! in the realm of creativity and genuine connection, I soften and find sanctuary. from plant care to baking and making anything by hand, there has never been a need for the word bored in my vocab. I partially "blame" my gemini moon for my curious by nature desire to do and know it all, haha. I volunteer weekly with two groups that do mutual aid shares sundays and wednesdays. whether you have the time, resources or services to share with our most vulnerable communities- I always nudge people to consider becoming more involved in the ways they can."

~tiara of passion powerhouse is a spirited and persistent creative who is committed to queering the canvas of life. queerness and art make ways of moving through the world, deviating from misaligned norms to create and embody more expansive, enriching and equitable modes of living in community. with repressive and censoring forces steadily increasing, creativity and community serve as powerful tools in self-expression and resistance.

passion powerhouse is a feeling within and a place bound by no one; a horizontal organization that shapes spaces to encompass all that is necessary. from joy and play to grief and rage, we need caring containers and effective outlets. through exploration, education, skill & resource sharing, mutual aid and beyond, we aim to continue working toward what is possible, both personally and collectively. whether through a tangible or practical offering, our hope is that you're left with feelings, pieces and/or experiences that bring value to your life, and in turn those around you. since sharing similar values and goals, she looks forward to the collaborative involvement in CARE collective; planning, coordinating, facilitating workshops/events and making graphics.


The C.A.R.E. Collective FL, 2024